Ram-Boing-Shus Ramblings

Clowns make everyone smile, but what makes a clown smile? Keep reading to find out! This is a collection of happy stories, jokes, and observations that bring joy to a clown.

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One of the most important lessons my dad ever taught me was how moon beam smiles work. You can see the moon from anywhere on Earth, and so can anyone else. If you are missing someone, all you have to do is look up at the moon and give her your best smile. The moon will hold onto that smile until your recipient looks up. In this way, you can pass smiles to anyone in the world. Every time someone passes a smile via a moon beam, the moon glows a little brighter. Even if there is not a smile in your direct moon-inbox, you can still look up at her. You will be able to see the trillions of smiles currently in transit via the moon beam network. That in itself is enough to make anyone smile- which you can then pass along.

Next time you go outside, pick up a single leaf. Look closely at it and notice how many colors are in that single leaf. Now look at the tree and do the same thing. Challenge the things you think you "know." For example, is the bark really brown? Is it grey? Are there hints of purple? How are the colors different in the sun versus the shade? You will be amazed at how many colors are present in a small such a small area! 
As a bonus, try to name the colors. You will quickly find that "yellow" isn't nearly descriptive enough to capture the beauty you are seeing. 

As I look out my window there is a lovely blanket of snow. The trees are
in the perfect state where each branch is covered in snow in a winter
wonderland kind of way.  The winding bike path has been plowed and the
sun is up, so the pavement is dry. It's chilly, but not bitter. With a
nice warm coat and a cozy hat, it's a perfect day for a stroll. But
while the path is inviting, something else catches my eye- frolicking
footprints in the snow. The path is there year round, but the snow?
That's a magical treat. My mood has gone from serene and gentle to giddy and playful. I leap off the path and start stomping around like a snow dino.

Quick Moments

The first time I successfully did a double flip trick while plate spinning (Toss the plate, flip the stick, catch the plate on the other end, then toss it back to the starting position)! I got so excited I happy danced too aggressively and knocked the plate off.

During my Clown College graduation skit there was a 6 year old in the front row. He was laughing at our jokes the entire time. I'll always remember those precious first giggles I received as a clown.


Everyone nose it's the humerus!